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The school offers partial scholarships for Year 9 and Year 12. Scholarship offers are available once a year.

The format of the scholarship assessment includes a computer based aptitude test, for which no special preparation is required and online tests in Maths, English and a short written English essay. Other considerations are Sport, Music, Art, Drama and All round performance.


Students with an excellent academic record may apply for an Academic Scholarship. Previous school reports and a recommendation from their current Head would be expected. The candidates also take part in a 5 minute presentation on a topic – the idea is to showcase something the student is passionate about and short interviews with the Headmaster and Deputy Head Academic


The student should play 1 sport to an exceptional level, with appropriate evidence of performances, times video evidence and a reference from a coach.


The student should play 3 or more sports to a very high level. More than 3 sports would be favourable.

How will it be assessed?

  • An online interview with our Director of Sports.
  • A 5-minute presentation which each applicant will have prepared in advance to showcase something that they are passionate about within the realm of the sports scholarship they have applied for i.e levels of achievements, highlights on sports profiles and focus for the future.
  • Submission of a referee overview of the students applying for a sports scholarship. We can accept overview from more than one referee.
  • Video evidence if available.

What the school would offer to a sports scholar

  • Help with percentage of school fees.
  • Regular meetings to discuss training, goals and competition.
  • Coaching sessions lead by quality coaches in both Games time and on some additional training times to normal squad training sessions (eg mornings before school).

Expectations of a sports scholar

  • Maintain high level of sporting performance.
  • Full adherence to training programme.
  • Excellent attitude to sport and school life at Turi.
  • Show evidence of sound leadership on and off the sports.
  • Compete in at least 1 main sport per term while at Turi.
  • Show evidence of progression in sporting performance in line with individual targets.
  • Maintain academic achievement in line with CAT targets.
  • Have the full support of parents to participate in all tournaments and tours for their respective teams.
  • Take GCSE PE in Year 10 and AS/A Level PE in Years 12 & 13.

We are looking for scholarship candidates to display all round musicianship.

Candidates should be approaching, or have taken grade 5 on at least one instrument, possibly with other instrumental ability and/or voice.

How will it be assessed?

  • An online interview with our Director of Music.
  • Video of each applicant’s prepared Grade 5 piece on or before 30th November 2021.

They will also be interviewed, with questions such as:

  • Why do you want to be a Music scholar?
  • How can you demonstrate that you are a team player/like performing with others?
  • What can you bring to Music in St Andrew’s?
  • Successful candidates will be expected to take Music as a GCSE subject and contribute to orchestra.

We are looking for Art scholars who have a passion for the visual Arts and are willing to be thoroughly involved in all aspects of Art at Senior School. They should also be taking GCSE Art and Design.

How will it be assessed?

  • An online interview with our Head of Art
  • Video of the portfolio of each applicant’s work

Candidates will be interviewed, with questions such as:

  • What Artists they have found to be on their own work?
  • What materials and techniques they have enjoyed using and why?

Successful candidates will be expected to take Art and Design as a GCSE subject and will also be expected to contribute to the annual Arts show.

Who are you? Create a double page spread all about you and of things you are interested in: Stick a photo (or a few) of yourself on the page, extend the colours or tones out from the edges. Merge them into the page. Find pictures of things you like or draw them on the page, write about them, write about you…. the pages with all about you or what memories that photo brings back. Don’t leave lots of space.

What’s your favourite colour and combination of colours? Play with them on your page, how many different hues of your favourite colours/colour can you create? Use more pages if you like but them up with lots of textures and notes about what you are thinking.

Who is your favourite artist/”ism”? Or choose one of the following:

Picasso, Braque, Derain, Max Ernst, Miro, Klee, Cezanne, Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh,
Patrick Andy Warhol, Lichtenstein, Peter Blake. Impressionism, Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, Photo-realism, Renaissance Art.

Use a children’s web site like www.kids.tate.org to research them.

Find out about them and what they thought, were they part of any movement? Why do you like them? If they are painters, how did they use paint? – Thickly or thinly. Did they like bright colours or warm or cold or vibrant or muted tones? Were they paintings realistic or just suggested ideas that trigger thoughts in your head. Did their paintings have special meanings?

Choose works that inspire you. Print them out in a smallish size and merge them into your sketch book, write about them and why you like them. They must be by famous artists. Do a few on each page that are similar or relevant to your interests.

Choose something you are really interested in portraying – faces, trees, still life, buildings and animals; whatever your interest try drawing bits of it. If you like drawing faces; draw pages full of eyes – screwed up, wide open. Then lips, then try textures for hair. Draw and draw and draw, don’t throw any away and don’t worry about what they look like. It’s important to see how you have progressed. Fill your pages up with doodle and sketches of your chosen interest.

Work on this really hard: Explore tone, line and texture. Whatever your subject or theme – practice drawing it by looking at it lots and drawing only what you can see. Annotate your drawings; say what you can see, what you think, your ideas, your likes and dislikes.

Try out different techniques and media styles. Look at the artists you like again, how did they create the effects they use? What media did they use? Have a go yourself.

After you have worked very hard on your ideas and sketches then you may be ready for your main piece.


Main piece

Select a theme from Landscape, Portrait or Sculpture. Your piece can be observational, from memory or imaginary or use all three. Your preparation in your sketch book needs to show how other artists have your piece and there needs to be a lot of drawing leading up to it, exploring your ideas, your composition, techniques etc..

You need to express yourself – get emotional about it!

Your piece needs to have relevance to your favourite artists (as in be in their style or have elements of their styles in your piece.)

It should be no bigger than A2 in size.



Person Specification

Drama Scholarship recipients will be dedicated performing arts students who are willing to contribute to the artistic life of the School/College and be observed as role models by their peers. Recipients are expected to contribute to the School production and LAMDA in both on-stage and backstage capacities (e.g. front of house, costume assistance, prop and set building, promoting shows across the School/College).

Drama Scholarship – audition standards

Drama Scholarship applications are invited from those who perform or show potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of their age.

Students shortlisted for audition will be required to present one performance piece:

  • A solo piece, for example poetry, a monologue from a play or or the student’s own creation. The piece should be of no more than two minutes duration.
  • Students also need to complete a Portfolio of Evidence. This should include programmes and/or information from any Drama productions in and outside of school you have been involved in (including prep school); LAMDA or equivalent; any other documents you deem relevant/appropriate.

How will it be assessed?

  • An online interview with our Head of Drama.
  • Video of the solo piece.
All rounder

Students applying for all-rounder awards must perform well in the academic examinations and demonstrate skill in at least two of the following areas: Sport, Music, Art and Drama.

Applications must state the areas in which they wish to be assessed.