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Creating Independent Learners

Intellectual growth comes from having a positive and independent attitude; where a mind is open to other possibilities and enables the vision of new purposes and the development of new responses.

At St Andrew’s School, Turi we believe autonomy of thought and questioning enables intellectual growth to flourish and it is the quality of the mental process that is the measure of educative growth. So, we give pupils authentic learning experiences. We let them be creative, establish innovative ideas, problem solve, think critically and know they will be leaders of their learning.


British Curriculum

St Andrew’s Preparatory School follows the British curriculum. Pupils are taught in a class setting from the Early Years Foundation Stage. Subject teaching is introduced gradually, until all areas of the curriculum are taught by specialist subject teachers. By the end of Year 8, students are well prepared.

The majority of our students move on to St Andrew’s Senior School, whilst others move to Senior Schools overseas.


Teaching style

From an early age, children at Turi are encouraged to express their own ideas, to defend their viewpoint coherently and courteously and to work as independently as possible. General knowledge is recognised as being important and, despite the School’s rural location, students are well informed about current affairs and are perfectly at home with many aspects of communication technology. Even our youngest children are confident negotiating the Internet and e-mail.

The classrooms are equipped with direct Internet access and interactive white boards are widely used.

Pupils’ use of the internet is supervised and controlled to ensure they access sites that contribute to their academic, social and spiritual well-being, whilst guarding them mentally and spiritually. As a school that respects the Christian ethos we are careful to bring up your children in a spiritually healthy environment. The school constantly updates Internet security for the safety of pupils.

Pupils are afforded the opportunity to enhance their education outside of the classroom, using our beautiful 300-acre estate, through visits to local community projects and excursions to places of educational interest.


The Learning Success Centre

We offer an experienced Learning Success Department to assist individuals with specific difficulties, ensuring that they are given appropriate help and support.


Class Structure

The academic progress of each pupil is monitored by a class teacher in Years 1 to 5 and by a tutor in Years 6 to 8. Parents and staff regularly discuss progress during VISO weekends, when all teaching staff are available for consultation.

Class sizes are small in order to maximize teaching time and individual attention for each pupil.

Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1

Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 is a fun, safe and nurturing department, which endeavours to give children the best start to their learning journey at St Andrew’s. The Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 years are Nursery and Reception to Year 2.

The aim of this department to give children a chance to experience different learning styles both inside and outside of the classroom. Children are immersed in a rich curriculum which embraces their personal strengths and develops not only their academic skills but also their personal, social and emotional skills as well.

Lower School classrooms are bright and colourful. They engage the children and allow them to access modern and up-to-date educational resources and materials. Our enthusiastic team of teachers and teaching assistants care for the pupils in small classes, making sure each child receives the special attention that they deserve.

The pupils are included in many of the School activities. Along with lower Key Stage 2, these children have their own Junior Choir, which regularly performs at VISOs.

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 2 includes children from Year 3 to Year 6. A day in Key Stage 2 is full of variety. In Years 3 to 5 the class teacher teaches most of the academic subjects whilst Year 6 pupils have a range of subject specialist teachers and also a form tutor who teaches them at least one subject every day.

Year 6 is an important transition time towards Key Stage 3 which begins in Year 7. While Key Stage 2 teachers stretch the children academically, there is also a large focus on fun and interactivity.

Children broaden their cultural understanding by taking trips to nearby areas of interest, such as Nakuru National Park. In Year 3, the children become adventurers and take part in an overnight camping trip.

Teachers cater for all learning styles and children get excited by the topics we cover, which relate to the local area and also the wider world outside Turi. Whether it is making their own Marvellous Medicines, investigating famous mysteries or field trips to see animal adaption close up, Key Stage 2 is all about learning being made memorable.

Key Stage 3

The oldest children in the Prep School are in Key Stage 3. This Key Stage includes Years 7 and 8 in the Prep School and Year 9 in the Senior School. It is important to us that there is a smooth transition for all of our pupils into their Senior Schools.  At St Andrew’s the Years 7 and 8 pupils follow the Independent Schools Examination Board Common Entrance syllabus in English, Mathematics, Science, French, Geography, History and Religious Studies.  We also put strong emphasis on other subjects such as Art, Music, Computing and Design Technology.

All pupils have a Physical Education lesson as part of their timetable as well as Games every day. Whilst leadership is encouraged throughout our school, it is in Key Stage 3 where our school leaders really begin to shine in every facet of their education, including academia.

Each class throughout the School is represented on the Student Council by a member of the class, elected by fellow classmates. They meet regularly with teachers to discuss the ideas and proposals of the pupils. Through this, each child knows that their voice is being heard and many suggestions have already been actioned.

Our Academic Subjects

Maths English Foreign Languages
Science Geography Personal Social Health & Economic Education
Computing Religious Studies History
Art Design Technology Music
Learning Success Centre Library


Curriculum Booklets

Years 7 and 8 Parent Guide to the Key Stage 3 Curriculum

School Calendar

Prep School Christmas Term Calendar