Christian Life for Staff
Every Sunday morning during term times (excluding VISO weekends), staff are invited to the Phoenix Club Café for a time of collective worship. It is a casual ‘cafe style’ church service full of variety, discussion, sung worship and prayer as well as a short talk by a member of staff.
Children are encouraged to take part in an Bible based activity in the adjoining room. Staff gather at 9.30 for coffee with the service starting at 10am. Often, this time is used to pray for the School and aims to develop fellowship as a community.
Everyone is encouraged to join a home group – small casual groups which meet weekly to learn from the Bible, support each other and pray. Leaders volunteer to host and run the sessions in their homes.
Weekly Prayer meetings
These are held at both the Senior School and Prep Schools, during one-morning break. They aim to ‘cover’ the School, staff, and students in prayer.
Alpha Course
A fourteen session Alpha course for staff runs each academic year. It usually takes place in the leader’s home and is a chance to develop friendships as well as learn and discuss personal beliefs. The evening follows the normal Alpha structure with a casual meal, a short video by Nicki Gumble (Alpha founder) and group discussion.
Prayer Triplets
groups of three (or so) people often meet to pray and support each other. They are able to keep each other accountable, encourage depth and growth in individual faith journeys.
Holiday services
Special services are run at Christmas and Easter. Holiday services are held at the start of each term and half term which are a lovely end to the holidays. St Andrew’s Staff meet together in the School chapel for a short, relaxed service followed by refreshments on the terrace.
Outdoor chapel is held at Senior School every Wednesday morning before School starts. The outdoor alter and arch were built to celebrate 25 years of the Senior School in 2014, in what was believed to have been the place where Italian prisoners of war held an outdoor chapel many years earlier.
All staff and Senior School students are welcome to join in this short but special service. Communion is available on alternate weeks.
Courses – The Marriage Course, Parenting Course and Parenting Teenagers Course are run periodically. Staff are invited to join if they would like. It is free of charge and an evening meal is provided. The courses are video led and based on Christian principles with a practical application for everyday life.