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Scholarships differ from bursaries, which are means-tested awards given to help support families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford some or all of the school fees. Our scholarships do not carry any automatic fee remission, although there are significant financial awards available when moving from Y11 into Sixth Form.

When a student applies for a scholarship it is possible for parents to apply for a means-tested bursary in connection with that scholarship to support the payment of school fees.

The true value of a scholarship lies in the extra opportunities that will stretch and challenge your child, both academically and beyond the classroom.

We offer a dedicated programme of enrichment and extension events throughout the year such as lecture series, academic conferences, masterclasses, extra musical tuition, sports coaching. There may be opportunities to perform or compete at high profile events, have a personal mentor, and attend distinguished events such as Scholars’ Question Time and Scholars’ Suppers.

Scholars will be ‘honoured’ with additional responsibilities and expected to contribute to wider school life as ambassadors for the school. For example, art scholars must produce a piece of work to decorate the Hub, assist with whole school art events and open days, and mentor younger students.

Scholars are kept a closer eye on in terms of behavior and are often used for school open days and touring prospective parents; there is no tolerance for bad behavior.

Be prepared. Scholars are often the busiest students in a school, so if your child is looking for all the opportunities a school can throw at them – and run with it – then they will thrive.


Details of the process are as follows:

The process is held at St Andrew’s. Candidates will sit 2 written papers and one interview. A reference from the current school Head teacher will be requested prior to interview.

We are looking for academic spark and a dexterity of thought, which can be nurtured and cultivated – not coached responses.

  1. CAT4 test (all academic scholars should be achieving above an average of 117)
  2. Critical thinking test (90 minutes, 3 parts – no preparation required)
  3. Discussion questions in small groups, to assess ability to form an argument with little preparation, engage others and consider other opinions (knowledge of current affairs is an advantage)

In order to gain a Sport Scholarship at St Andrew’s, Turi, a candidate will need to be outstanding in at least two sports. A reference from the current school Head teacher will be requested prior to interview, in which specific achievements should be referenced.

On our assessment day a candidate will have the option to enter three sports but please note that they should be very strong in all three. If they are outstanding at two sports, this will be enough to gain a scholarship and we do not need a third – we are interested in quality, not quantity.

Sports that we consider in the assessment are:

  • Rugby
  • Hockey
  • Football
  • Athletics
  • Swimming
  • Netball
  • Basketball
  • Tennis, golf or cricket (a candidate may only enter one of these)

The maximum number of sports that can be assessed is three.

If possible, members of the St Andrew’s Sports Department will try to see candidates playing their respective sports during the year prior to the assessment.

The scholarship assessment day will involve a series of practical tests, including general fitness and a one hour assessment in each of the above sports that a candidate is offering. They will also be interviewed by the Senior School Director of Sport.

The St Andrew’s, Turi, Scholarship Programme aims to develop the sport specific components which are necessary for elite performance. This includes the development of:

  • Technical Skills by qualified and experienced coaches
  • Tactical / Game awareness and performance under pressure by qualified and experienced coaches
  • Physical Preparation (Strength & Conditioning) by qualified and experienced coaches
  • General and Performance Nutrition & Recovery Education
  • Injury Prevention Programming and Education
  • Sports Psychology Education
  • Athlete Mentoring Programme
  • Supplement & Anti-Doping Education & Advice
  • Links with Elite Sports Institutions
Creative Arts

Creatives Scholarships are made as a result of practical assessments and interviews which will be held at St Andrew’s, Turi.


Candidates will be expected to:

  • perform a short (accompanied) piece given to them 20 minutes before, which will make appropriately modest technical demands (an accompanist will be provided)
  • perform two contrasting pieces on their main instrument; a further piece on another instrument(s) or singing, would be advantageous, but not a necessity
  • answer questions of a general musical nature.

To gain an Award, a student must have a genuine interest in or passion for music as well as demonstrating real musical achievement or exceptional promise. Associated Board Grade 5 may be taken as a guide to the minimum standard expected if only one instrument is offered. Lesser achievement in more areas of activity (including singing) may also impress the panel and lead to an Award, especially if there is clear potential for musical growth. Awards will be offered on the basis of their performance on the day.

Candidates who compose are encouraged to submit examples of their composition work along with their application forms.

Students who are awarded a scholarship will be offered free instrumental tuition on at least one instrument.

Music Scholars will be expected to take Music iGCSE.


Candidates will be expected to:

  • prepare a portfolio of past and current work (between 3-5 pieces and preferably of more than one media), which they will be asked to talk through
  • complete a still life piece in a media of their choice

Scholarship candidates will also have an interview with the Head of Art. Reports from prep school Heads and current Art teachers will be important. Award holders will be expected to take Art at iGCSE and it is hoped that they will continue the subject to A-level; should this not be the case the Award will be reviewed in light of the candidate’s commitment to Art in the Sixth Form.


Candidates will be expected to:

  • perform a short piece given to them 20 minutes before
  • perform a monologue of between 2-3 minutes, chosen in advance by the candidate
  • take part in a workshop consisting of: drama games, improvisation and sight reading.

Showreels, portfolios, photos etc should not be sent in advance but we welcome supporting material on the day.

Scholarship candidates will also have an interview with the Director of Drama. Reports from prep school Heads and current Drama teachers will be important.  Award holders will be expected to take Drama at iGCSE and it is hoped that they will continue the subject to A level; should this not be the case the Award will be reviewed in light of the candidate’s commitment to Drama in the Sixth Form.

Headmaster's Award

Each year the Headmaster has the ability to award a scholarship award to an applicant who has not been awarded one of the named scholarships, but has shown ability and character across more than one sphere, or impressed during the assessment day.